

These specifications describe a 25-Gigabit-capable asymmetric and symmetric passive optical network (25GS-PON) system in an optical access network for residential, business, mobile back/mid-haul and other applications.


This is a “Statement with Regard to Patent Rights Made by the Parties Sponsoring the 25GS-PON Specification.

  • 25GS-PON Specification v3.0

    [November 2, 2023]

  • 25GS-PON Specification v2.0 Corrigendum 2

    [March 2, 2023]

    (Superseded by v3.0)

  • 25GS-PON Specification v2.0 Corrigendum 1

    [February 11, 2022]

    (Superseded by v2.0 Corrigendum 2)

  • 25GS-PON Specification v2.0

    [August 10, 2021]

    (Superseded by v2.0 Corrigendum 1)

  • 25GS-PON Specification v1.0

    [October 7, 2020]

    [Superseded by v2.0]